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We hope everyone is excited about the season getting started this weekend. Unfortunately mother nature may require us to push back some games due to heat advisories.

The league requires that no games be played in 105 degree heat or higher! Please see the chart below for recommendations.

(View chart on full screen -

Also, due to the hot weather we have instructed the referee's to allow for extra water breaks for all games this weekend. We recommend you stay hydrated:

  • Drink before, during, and after your games
  • Drink cold water as it is absorbed by the body quicker
  • Drink on a schedule and at every opportunity, not just when you're thirsty
  • Tell your coach or parent if any symptoms of dehydration begin to show. The Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, nausea, dizziness, aches and muscle cramps.

Sports drinks can also be used after games to replenish fluids lost during activity.

Checking The Status Of Your Field

The field status box below automatically updates when we close a field in our system. Please use this resource the morning of your game to check if your field is open.

Is Your Field Open?

To check the schedule on your field please visit the fields page

Use The CSL APP also...

Lastly, don't forget to download the CSL App! All field information is also updated live on the app, and perhaps most importantly you can receive up to the minute alerts if your teams game is canceled. Learn more here...

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